Have you been told by friends or family you should use a mortgage advisor but aren’t exactly sure what they do?
Perhaps you’ve used a mortgage broker in the past to save money on a mortgage deal, but haven’t experienced the 5 star Beewise mortgage advisor experience?
Or, maybe you might you’ve never even heard of a mortgage advisor and didn’t know you needed one!
If you’re thinking of buying your first home, looking to move house, or need to remortgage, your local Beewise advisor will be invaluable.
Every mortgage broker or mortgage adviser is different, and the level of service they offer depends on the way they work.
But, Beewise are on hand with outstanding service and expert advice from the minute you contact us, right up until you get your new keys, or the day your remortgage completes.
With over 300 5 star Google reviews, there’s a reason why clients recommend us! Here’s just some of the ways we help you as standard:
· Accurate borrowing calculations, with maximum lending from the mortgage market
· Securing a mortgage in principle – often within 24 hours of getting your paperwork
· Advice on how much to offer, potentially helping you save thousands!
· Guidance on which mortgage, fixed deal and term suits you best
· Recommending trusted solicitors we’ll chase up regularly for you
· Seeing your mortgage through to completion with help at every step
· Keeping an eye on interest rates, and switching if they reduce
· Evening and weekend support via phone call, text, email or in person
If you’re looking for mortgage help right now, call 01934 204841 or email us to arrange an appointment. Or, scroll down for real life examples on how we go the extra mile.
Spoiler alert – there’s ££££s saved, last minute mortgage rescues and good new stories galore!

Camilla’s story: Critical illness cover that turned out to be crucial
A couple of years ago I was helping a couple who were first time buyers. In addition to helping them with their mortgage, I also went through the insurances we recommend.
You don’t have to put life insurance, critical illness cover or income protection in place when you buy, but we strongly recommend it – click here for more details on the benefits.
Essentially, they insure your salary if you weren’t able to work due to sickness, an accident or disability.
These clients were 24 years old, and one of them felt it wasn’t necessary at the time. He said he could see the benefits if you were older, but right now he thought he’d be fine without.
However, his partner didn’t want to take that risk and persuaded him they should – as they were young and had no previous health issues, the policies weren’t that expensive.
They both opted for critical illness cover with a lump sum payout of £75,000, and income protection that would pay out a monthly salary replacement for a two year period.
Six months later, not long after moving into their house, he was diagnosed with cancer. That policy payout and the income protection helped pay their bills while he was having treatment.
And it covered all those other costs you don’t think about – travelling back and forth to the hospital, both taking unpaid leave and more.
He’s now finished treatment and is fit, healthy and back to work! We were all so glad they’d put that insurance in place – they weren’t even aware it existed until I’d gone through it with them.
Having that financial peace of mind through such an awful time was definitely a huge weight off for them. I’m just grateful they’re ok now, and that I could help.

Kelly’s story: Finding a mortgage lender when others couldn’t
I recently had a client approach me who had been told by a high street mortgage broker they couldn’t get a mortgage due to their adverse credit history.
They’d previously had CCJs and defaults due to past financial issues, and although their recent credit history was good, those previous blips stay on your report for six years.
Unlike the other broker, Beewise deal with a whole range of lenders across the mortgage market, including companies that are happy to consider less-than-perfect credit.
They were thrilled when I was able to get a mortgage for them using one of our specialist lenders, meaning they could finally get onto the property ladder and stop renting!
I also helped them plan for the future, fixing in their current mortgage until those credit issues are cleared from their report.
That way, when we come to look at remortgaging, they should hopefully have a wider range of options. I’m always trying to find ways to save clients money where they can!

Michelle’s story: Taking care of completion details to save thousands
One of my latest success stories involved clients that were selling their house and buying somewhere new.
Due to their situation they’d decided not to complete on the new property at the same time as selling their old one, but instead break the chain and complete at a later date.
Their old mortgage was still tied into a fixed rate, so usually they’d have to lose this deal, pay early repayment charges to get out of it, then start afresh with a new mortgage.
However, I knew this particular lender gave a certain amount of time to port your existing mortgage, even if there was a gap between selling your place and buying a new one.
So, I made sure the clients completed on their new house within that timeframe. Not only did they get a refund of £6,500 for the early repayment charges, they also got to keep their previous lower rate!
Needless to say they were extremely grateful, and beyond happy they’d come to me for mortgage advice instead of using their bank or a different broker.

Adam’s story: Saving a family from having to sell their home
When asked about this, I instantly thought about two clients I’d seen recently. I’d gone out to their home as they had a lot of debt on various loans, credit cards and other finance.
They were also due to pay interest on their Help to Buy loan soon, but were already struggling month to month because of their high monthly outgoings.
Before they spoken to me they’d approached their current mortgage lender and researched other potential lenders, but hadn’t been able successful.
Because one of their income sources wasn’t a standard employed wage, they couldn’t find a bank or building society willing to help, and had even been told by another broker their only option was to sell.
In fact, they’d already had a local estate agent over to value their home and take pictures, as they were struggling so much they needed a solution fast.
I was determined to help them find a way around this and asked them to give me two weeks to come up with a solution – I knew if I couldn’t, there genuinely wouldn’t be any other option.
And, good news! I found a lender that would allow them to use the equity in the house to consolidate all their debts, including the Help to Buy loan, so they could keep their home.
In terms of monthly cost, my clients were in a far better position. It gave them the financial freedom to not only cover their bills, but have money left over to start enjoying life again.
I usually say my favourite part of the job is helping people buy their dream place, but it’s unbelievably rewarding to keep families in their homes and ease financial stress too.
Award-winning mortgage advice you shouldn’t be without
Don’t just take our word for it – Beewise FS Ltd bagged Silver for Best Mortgage Broker in the South West and Bronze for Best Mortgage Advisor Office UK in the 2023 ESTAs awards.
We’ve recently been shortlisted for the 2024 ESTAs shortlist too, and we’ve won the Financial category at the 2023 Bristol Property Awards and the 2024 Bristol Life Awards!
Plus, our 300+ 5 star Google reviews showcase our service. “Friendly and efficient”, “outstanding from the beginning” and “amazing every step of the way” are some of the latest.
To get in touch with your local Beewise advisor, ring our office on 01934 204 841 or email to arrange a call, with evening and weekend appointments available.
Looking for more expert mortgage advice? Check out these other helpful blog posts!